

单词 Credit rating
释义 信用評級
An assessment of the risk of default on payment; a formal measure of the capability of an individual or business entity being able to settle his or its financial obligations as they fall due. Credit ratings of listed companies are provided by credit rating agencies such as Standard & Poor’s Corporation or Moody’s Investor Service, based on the company’s current financial statements, past and projected performance, management, market position, operating environment and the like. The ratings are split into two broad categories: investment grade and speculative grade. Investment grade securities fall within one of these four ratings: AAA (or Aaa), AA (or Aa), A and BBB (or Baa). Speculative ratings are those below BBB (or Baa). A debtor with a D rating is in outright default. Traded bonds are routinely evaluated. Following a review, the rating of a debtor can be upgraded, down-graded or stay as it is so that the assigned rating continues to be valid. The ratings have a strong effect on marketability of the debt investments of a company and in turn, on their prices and yields. See also Credit; Credit report; Credit risk.
對拖欠還款風險的評估;是對個人或商業實體到期清償金融債務能力的正規的評測。上市公司是由信用評級公司,如標準普爾公司或穆迪投資服務公司,根據公司的當前財務報表,過去和未來預測的表現、經營管理,市場份額,運營環境等因素進行信用評級。級別分為兩大類:投資級別和投機級別。投資級別證券包括四種:AAA(或Aaa)、AA(或 Aa)、A和BBB(或Baa)。BBB(或Baa)以下的級別屬於投機級別。D級債務人是完全沒有清償能力的。可交易債券是被定期評級的。重新審查後,債務人的級別可以升級、降級或者保持原有級別不變。信用評級對一個公司的債務投資工具的市場性以及由此決定的價格和收益有著極其重要的影響。另見 Credit; Credit report; Credit risk。




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