

单词 Sacrifice
释义 犧牲
The surrender or destruction of certain goods in order to save or preserve others. In marine insurance law, the abandonment or destruction of certain cargo in order to preserve the rest is known as a general average sacrifice. General average sacrifice is included in general average loss: Marine Insurance Ordinance (Cap 329) s 66(1); Austin Friars Steamship Co v Spillers and Bakers Ltd [1915] 3 KB 586 (CA). Owners of the cargo may be required to make a rateable contribution to compensate the cargo owner whose goods were sacrificed. Subject to any express provision in a marine insurance policy, where the assured has incurred a general average sacrifice, he may recover from the insurer in respect of the whole loss without having enforced his right of contribution from the other parties liable to contribute: s 66(4). See also Average.
為挽救或保存其他貨物而放棄或毀滅若干貨物。就海上保險法而言,為保存其他貨物而放棄或毀滅若干貨物稱為共同海損損失。共同海損損失包括共同海損犧牲:《海上保險條例》(第329章)第66(1)條;Austin Friars Steamship Co v Spillers and Bakers Ltd [1915] 3 KB 586(英國上訴法院)。可要求貨物的擁有人作出按比率的分擔,以賠償被犧牲貨物的貨物擁有人。除海上保險單的任何明訂條文另有規定外,凡受保人招致共同海損犧牲,他可就其蒙受損失的份額向保險人追討;他可就整項損失向保險人追討,而無須先行向負有法律責任分擔的其他各方強制執行其獲得分擔的權利:第66(4)條。另見 Average。n.




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