

单词 Erasure
释义 刪除
The act of obliterating or rubbing out something which is written, typed or recorded on video or sound recording. In wills, erasure refers to an obliteration by the testator of a particular word or phrase or a number of pages from the will so as to modify testamentary dispositions in some way. Deletion of legacies by such erasure may be valid or invalid depending upon whether the obliteration was executed according to the requisite formalities: Wills Ordinance (Cap 30) s 16; Non-Contentious Probate Rules (Cap 10A) r 12. See also Formalities; Interlineation; Obliteration.
塗改或擦掉書面紀錄、以打字形式印出的紀錄、錄影紀錄或聲音紀錄。就遺囑而言,刪除指立遺囑人在遺囑上塗改個別的字句或若干頁數,並藉此以若干方式修改遺囑處置。藉此等方式刪除的非土地遺贈可能有效,取決於是否按照所需的正式手續執行有關的塗改:《遺囑條例》 (第30章)第16條;《無爭議遺囑認證規則》(第10A章)第12條。另見 Formalities; Interlineation; Obliteration。n.




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