

单词 Parentage test
释义 父母身份測試
In family law, tests performed on blood or similar body tissue from a party to proceeding to ascertain the inheritable characteristics of bodily fluids or bodily tissue, and show whether that party to the proceedings is or is not the father of that person: Parent and Child Ordinance (Cap 429) s 2. The court may, either of its own motion or on an application by any party to the proceedings, give a direction for the use of scientific tests: s 13(1)(a). Where the court gives such a direction and any person fails to take any step required of him for the purpose of giving effect to the direction, the court may draw such inferences, if any, from that fact as appear proper in the circumstances: s 15(1). See also Paternity.
就家庭法而言,就法律程序一方的血液或相似的身體組織進行測試以確定體液或身體組織的可遺傳特徵,從而證明法律程序一方到底是否該人的父親:《父母與子女條例》(第429章)第2條。法院可自行或應訴訟任何一方的申請發出指令使用科學測試:第13(1)(a)。凡法院發出這樣的指令,而有任何人不採取為執行該項指令而被要求採取的行動,則法院可從該事實中作出在有關情況下看似適當的推論:s 15(1)。另見 Paternity。




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