

单词 Running down case
释义 撞車案
An action for damages against a vehicle’s driver or owner for negligently colliding with another vehicle or person, or for causing injuries to the plaintiff who was a victim of a traffic accident. It has been established that every road user owes a duty to take care not to injure other road users and anyone else foreseeably at risk: Lancaster v H B and H Transport Ltd [1979] RTR 380 (CA). The duty is to use such care as is reasonable, and where a driver is faced with a sudden emergency he can only be expected to do that which an ordinary reasonable man would do: Parkinson v Liverpool Corp [1950] 1 All ER 367 (CA). The duty is owed only to such persons as are within the area of potential danger and to whom the defendant could reasonably foresee the risk of injury if he or his employee failed to exercise care: Hay (or Bourhill) v Young [1943] AC 92, 2 All ER 396 (HL). The standard of care expected of the defendant may be raised or lowered depending on the circumstances of the particular case. See also Duty of care; Traffic accident.
針對與其他車輛或人發生疏忽相撞或對原告(有關的交通意外傷亡者)引致傷害的車輛的司機或擁有人,提出法律行動,以追討賠償。已確立每一道路使用者有小心以免傷害其他道路使用者及其他可合理預見會有危險的責任:Lancaster v H B and H Transport Ltd [1979] RTR 380(英國上訴法院)。有關的責任是合理地小心行事,及如司機面對突然的緊急事故,只可期望他作出一般合理的人會做的事:Parkinson v Liverpool Corp [1950] 1 All ER 367(英國上訴法院)。只對於潛在危險範圍以內的人及對如被告或其僱員未能小心行事,則被告可合理預見損害危險的人,負有有關的責任:Hay (or Bourhill) v Young [1943] AC 92, 2 All ER 396(上議院)。可視乎個別案件的情況增加或減少對被告所期望的小心標準。另見 Duty of care; Traffic accident。




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