

单词 Rumour
释义 謠言
A hearsay statement which, in defamation law, ‘is the same as a direct statement and that is all there is to it’, ie being passed without ascertaining the truth of it: Lewis v Daily Telegraph Ltd [1964] AC 234, [1963] 2 All ER 151 (HL). Where a defendant was repeating an allegation or spreading a rumour, assertions of such allegations are to be read as assertions of facts. It is not a defence that the defendant was merely repeating someone else’s libellous statement: Hung Yuen Chan Robert v Hongkong Standard Newspaper Ltd [1996] 4 HKC 519. Every republication of a libel is a new libel and each publisher is answerable as if it is originated with him: Lewis v Daily Telegraph Ltd, supra. A false reporting of the defamatory statement is independent of the defamatory statement: Oriental Daily Publisher Ltd v Next Magazine Publishing Ltd [1999] 2 HKC 678. A person who is under the duty to pass on defamatory reports made by another is not malicious, unless the otherwise dominant motive is established: Horrocks v Lowe [1975] AC 135. It seems that in certain circumstances a rumour may be repeated without suggesting that it is well founded and that proof only of the fact of the rumour may be sufficient justification: Aspro Travel Ltd v Owners Abroad Group plc [1995] 4 All ER 728, [1996] 1 WLR 132 (CA). See also Defamation; Innuendo.
在誹謗法,謠傳的陳述「等於宜接的陳述及全部所有的」,即在沒有確定真實性的情況下被傳播:Lewis v Daily Telegraph Ltd [1964] AC 234, [1963] 2 All ER 151 (上議院)。如被告重複指稱或散播謠言,會視此種指稱的宣稱為事實的宣稱。被告僅在重複其他人的誹謗性陳述並非抗辯:Hung Yuen Chan Robert v Hongkong Standard Newspaper Ltd [1996] 4 HKC 519。永久形式誹謗的每次再發表是新的誹謗,而每一發布人負有誹謗猶如源於他一樣的責任:Lewis v Daily Telegraph Ltd, 見上文。誹謗性陳述的虛假報導與誹謗性陳述無關:Oriental Daily Publisher Ltd v Next Magazine Publishing Ltd [1999] 2 HKC 678。除非確立另有主要動機,否則有責任把他人作出的誹謗性報導傳播的人並沒有惡意:Horrocks v Lowe [1975] AC 135。似乎在若干情況,在沒有建議有充分根據下,可重複謠言,及只證明謠言的事實可能是充分的理由:Aspro Travel Ltd v Owners Abroad Group plc [1995] 4 All ER 728, [1996] 1 WLR 132(英國上訴法院)。另見 Defamation; Innuendo。n.




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