

单词 Easement
释义 地役權
A right which a person has over the land of another person; but if the land is his own, and he has an interest in it, then his right is not an easement: Metropolitan Railway Co v Fowler [1892] 1 QB 165, [1893] AC 416 (HL). An easement may be positive or negative in nature. It is created by an express or implied agreement. In Hong Kong, such right is also created as a condition for the grant of lease by the Government: for example S-J v Wisename Ltd [1998] 1 HKLRD 71, 1 HKC 128. To be legally enforceable an easement must have four properties: there must be dominant and servient tenements; an easement must accommodate the dominant tenement; dominant and servient tenement owners must be different persons; and a right over land cannot amount to an easement, unless it is capable of forming the subject matter of a grant: Re Ellenborough Park [1955] 3 All ER 667, [1956] 1 Ch 131; Incorporated Owners of Cheong Wang and Cheong Wai Mansion v Government of the HKSAR [2001] 1 HKC 57, 1 HKLRD 483. See also Dominant tenement; Easement in gross; Natural rights; Negative easement; Positive easement; Prescription; Quasi-easement; Servient tenement.
一人擁有在另一人土地上的權利;但如有關的土地屬於他/她本身所有,並且擁有權益,則他/她的權利並非地役權 :Metropolitan Railway Co v Fowler [1892] 1 QB 165, [1893] AC 416 (高等法院)。地役權性質上可以是積極的地役權或消極的地役權。憑藉明示協議或隱含協議訂立。在香港,亦可訂立此等權利作為政府授予租契的條件:例如 S-J v Wisename Ltd [1998] 1 HKLRD 71, 1 HKC 128。如欲在法律上可強制執行某地役權,則須確立四項產權:  必須有需役地及供役地;地役權須向需役地提供方便;此外供役地擁有人須為不同的人;而土地上的權利不可相等於地役權,但如可構成授予的標的事項,則屬例外:Re Ellenborough Park [1955] 3 All ER 667, [1956] 1 Ch 131; Incorporated Owners of Cheong Wang and Cheong Wai Mansion v Government of the HKSAR [2001] 1 HKC 57, 1 HKLRD 483。另見 Dominant tenement; Easement in gross; Natural rights; Negative easement; Positive easement; Prescription; Quasi-easement; Servient tenement。n.




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