

单词 Action in personam
释义 對人訴訟
An action against the person. In admiralty law, actions which are directed against the person (a defendant) rather than the ship. The right of a beneficiary is a right in personam against his or her trustee. A common law claim for damages in relation to personal injuries is a claim in personam. In equity, actions for injunctive relief and specific performance are actions in personam. An action in personam is contrasted with an action in rem. See also Action in rem; In personam; Personal action.
針對人所提出的訴訟。於海事法上,針對人(被告人)而非船隻的訴訟。受益人的權利屬於針對其受託人的對人權利。有關人身傷害的普通法的損害賠償申索屬於對人申索。於衡平法上,就強制性濟助及強行履行令而提出的訴訟屬於對人訴訟。對人訴訟相對於對物訴訟。另見 Action in rem; In personam; Personal action。




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