

单词 Action in rem
释义 對物訴訟
An action against a thing; an act or proceeding available against certain property or the proceeds of such property. An action in rem is most commonly brought in the admiralty jurisdiction: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 75. An action in rem is contrasted with an action in personam. See also Action in personam; Admiralty; In rem.
對物件的訴訟;可以針對一定的財產或該財產的收益採取的行動或做法;對物訴訟最常在海事案件中被提起:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第75號命令。對物訴訟與對人訴訟相對應。另見 Action in personam; Admiralty; In rem。




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