

单词 Leave to appeal
释义 上訴許可
Permission of the court to institute appeal proceedings from a single judge or lower court to a full court or higher court respectively. Leave is required for an appeal in relation to civil matters from the District Court to the Court of Appeal: District Court Ordinance (Cap 336) s 63. Appeals from the Court of Appeal to the Court of Final Appeal can only be brought with the leave of the Court of Appeal or Court of Final Appeal: Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance (Cap 484) s 23(1). From a final judgment of the Court of Appeal in any civil cause or matter where the matter of the claim or question in dispute on the appeal amounting to or of the value of $1,000,000 or more, leave would be granted as of right: s 22(1)(a). For other final or interlocutory decision of the Court of Appeal, leave would be granted if the question involved in the appeal is of great general or public importance or otherwise: s 22 (1)(b). In criminal proceedings, leave to appeal to the Court of Final Appeal shall not be granted unless a point of law of great and general importance is involved in the decision or it is shown that substantial and grave injustice has been done: s 32(2). See also Appeal; Leave of the Court.
法庭准許展開上訴的法律程序,由單一名法官至合議庭,或由下級法庭至高等法庭。如須就民事訟案向上訴法庭提出上訴,必須獲得區域法院許可:《區域法院條例》(第336章)第63條。如上訴法庭或終審法院給予上訴許可,方可將上訴由上訴法庭轉由終審法院受理:《香港終審法院條例》(第484章)第23條(1)。如上訴是就上訴法庭就任何民事訟案或事項所作的最終判決而提出的,而上訴爭議的事項所涉及的款額或價值達$1000000或以上,則須視提出該上訴為一項當然權利而受理該上訴:第22條(1)(a)。就上訴法庭所作出的最終判決或非正審判決而言,如上訴所涉及的問題具有重大廣泛的或關乎公眾的重要性,或因其他理由,則可上訴:第22條(1)(b)。就刑事法律程序而言,除非上訴法庭或原訟法庭(視屬何情況而定)證明有關案件的決定是涉及具有重大而廣泛的重要性的法律論點,或顯示曾有實質及嚴重的不公平情況,否則終審法院不得給予上訴許可:第32條(2)。另見 Appeal; Leave of the Court。




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