

单词 Leave of absence
释义 外出許可/缺勤
Permission to be absent, whether for a defined period or indefinitely.
Employment - A period of time when a person is temporarily absent from their employment or duty, with the intention to eventually return to work. Leave of absence may include long service leave, extended leave, recreation leave, annual leave or sick leave: Employment Ordinance (Cap 57) s 41AA(1), ss 33-38, ss 39-41. The period of a person’s absence does not normally affect his or her level of remuneration and seniority. See also Sick leave.
Mental health - A period of time that a patient of a psychiatric hospital may be absent from the hospital. A medical superintendent of a psychiatric hospital may permit a certified patient or a patient under observation to be absent from the mental hospital on trial for such periods as the medical superintendent may think proper and subject to such conditions as the medical superintendent may prescribe. The medical superintendent may revoke the permission to be absent and recall the patient to the mental hospital if he is of the opinion that it is necessary so to do in the interests of the patient’s health or safety or for the protection of other persons: Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136) s 39(3). See also Detention.
Prison and Detention - A period of time that a detainee or prisoner of a correctional institution may be absent from the institution. In Hong Kong, the leave is granted by the Commissioner for Correctional Service or the respective head of the institution: Prison Rules (Cap 234A) r 17; Reformatory Schools Ordinance (Cap 225) s 22; Drug Addiction Treatment Centres Regulations (Cap 244A) reg 13; Training Centres Regulations (Cap 280A) reg 18; Probation of Offenders Rules (Cap 298A) reg 26; Rehabilitation Centres Regulations (Cap 567A) s 17.
僱傭 -   某人暫時性離開自己的工作或職責一段時間,並有意圖最後會回到工作崗位上。缺勤可包括長期服務假期、大假、休假、年假或病假:《僱傭條例》(第57章)第41AA(1)、33-38、39-41條。某人缺勤的期限一般並不影響其薪酬及年資水平。另見 Sick leave。
精神健康 - 精神病醫院的病人被允許離開醫院一段期限。院長可准許某名實證病人或某名接受觀察病人在院長認為恰當的期間,暫試離開精神病院,並須受院長訂明的條件所規限。如院長認為為該病人的健康或安全或為保護他人著想而有需要,則可撤銷離院准許,並將該病人召回精神病院:《精神健康條例》(第136章)第39條(3)。另見 Detention。
監獄及拘禁 -  某懲教所的被扣留者或囚犯被允許離開懲教所一段期限。在香港,外出由懲教署署長或懲教所各自的首長授予:《監獄規則》(第234A章)第17條;《感化院條例》(第225章)第22條;《戒毒所規例》(第244A章)第13條;《教導所規例》(第280A章)第18條;《罪犯感化規則》(第298A章)第26條;《更生中心規例》(第567A章)第17條。




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