

单词 Defence 1
释义 抗辯/防衛
Action in resistance to another party’s attack.
Criminal law - The evidence offered by the accused to defeat a criminal charge. See also Defend; Implied consent; Statutory defence.
Defence - A response by a country or armed forces to an offensive action by an adversary. Violent defensive actions are classed as a form of attack: Protocol Additional to the Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I) 1977.
刑事法 - 由被告提供以推翻刑事控罪的證據。另見 Defend; Implied consent; Statutory defence。
國防 -   國家或武裝部隊因應敵方的攻擊行為作出的反應。暴力性防衛行為屬於攻擊的一種形式:《1977年6月8日通過的<1949年8月12日日內瓦公約>關於保護國際性武裝衝突受難者的附加議定書》(第一附加議定書)。n. Defence 2
1.The criminal offence of abandoning the police force service without leave. A member commits the offence of desertion if he intends to avoid a call out, to depart from, or to fail to attend at, his place of duty without leave; or while on a call out or having been warned of a call out, intends to remain permanently absent without leave, to depart from, or to fail to attend at, his place of duty without leave; or while absent without leave, manifests by his behaviour an intent to avoid a call out: Government Flying Service Ordinance (Cap 322) s 2. 2. The act of a crew member in leaving his or her ship with the intention of not returning to employment on the ship. 3. Any police officer or member of the Government Flying Service who deserts shall be liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for 12 months and all arrears of pay due to him shall be forfeited: Police Force Ordinance (Cap 232) s 28; Government Flying Service Ordinance (Cap 322) s11. See also Absent without leave; Active service; Seaman; Ship.
Family Law - The intentional permanent forsaking and abandonment of one spouse by the other without that other’s consent, and without reasonable cause: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 12, Family Law [180.120]. It is a total repudiation of the obligations of marriage. Actual desertion occurs when the abandonment is intentional in the sense of being deliberate. Constructive desertion occurs when the abandonment or intention is imputed from the conduct. Desertion is not the withdrawal from a place but from a state of things, for what the law seeks to enforce is the recognition and discharge of the common obligations of the married state: ibid, [180.120]. Therefore, there can be desertion without previous cohabitation by the parties, or without the marriage having been consummated: ibid, [180.120]. However, if there is consent to separation, there is no desertion. See also Constructive desertion; Dissolution.
1. 指在沒有許可的情況下,放棄警隊服務的刑事罪行。隊員如在存心逃避動員令的情況下,未得許可而離開其值勤地點或不在其值勤地點出席;或在動員令有效期間或接獲動員令預告後,在存心未得許可而永久缺勤的情況下,未得許可而離開其值勤地點或不在其值勤地點出席;或在未得許可而缺勤期間,在其行為上顯示他是存心逃避動員令的,即已犯棄職罪行:《政府飛行服務隊條例》(第322章)第2條。  2. 指在沒有意圖重回在有關船舶的受僱工作的情況下,船員離開其船隻之行為。3. 任何警務人員或政府飛行服務隊隊員如棄職,循簡易程序定罪後,可處監禁12個月,而他本應獲付而未支取的薪金須予以沒收:《警隊條例》(第232章)第28條;《政府飛行服務隊條例》(第322章)第11條。另見 Absent without leave; Active service; Seaman; Ship。
家庭法 - 在沒有另一方的同意及沒有合理理由的情況下,一方蓄意永久遺棄或拋棄另一方:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong 第12冊,家庭法,第[180.120]段。此乃屬完全不履行婚姻的義務。實際放棄對配偶的義務指蓄意地拋棄配偶。推定放棄對配偶的義務指從有關的行為推斷某人的遺棄作為或意圖。遺棄並非指從某地方而是指從某事情的狀況撤退,因為法律謀求強制執行的是婚姻狀況的一般義務之認可和解除:第[180.120]段。因此雙方可在過往沒有同居的情況下放棄對配偶的義務:第[180.120]段。但如雙方同意分居,則不屬放棄對配偶的義務遺棄。另見 Constructive desertion; Dissolution。n.




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