

单词 World Intellectual Property Organisation
释义 世界知識產權組織
Abbr – WIPO. A United Nations specialised agency, formulated and set up by the Stockholm Conference of 1967, with a mandate to administer intellectual property matters recognised by the member States of the United Nation. The WIPO is based in Geneva, the objectives of which are (1) to promote the protection of intellectual property throughout the world through cooperation among States and, where appropriate, in collaboration with any other international organisation, and (2) to ensure administrative cooperation among the Unions: The Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organisation 1967 art 3. It also assists technology transfer and creative intellectual property, and undertakes activities in the field of industrial property and copyright law specially designed for developing countries and for countries in transition to market economies. The WIPO expanded its role and further demonstrated the importance of intellectual property rights in the management of globalised trade in 1996 by entering into a cooperation agreement with the World Trade Organisation (WTO). WIPO currently administers over 20 treaties, and the first two were the Paris Convention on the Protection of Industrial Property 1883 as revised at Stockholm in 1967 and the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works 1886. The WIPO was formed under the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organisation 1967 and intended to replace the United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (or BIRPI, its French acronym). See also Copyright; International copyright; Work.
簡稱 - WIPO。聯合國的專門機構之一,由1967年的斯德哥爾摩大會構想並組建,負責託管由聯合國成員國所確認知識產權事宜。WIPO的總部設於日內瓦,其目標為(1)透過國家間合作,及(在適當時)與任何其他國際組織合作,在世界範圍內加大知識產權保護力度,及(2)確保聯合國內部的行政合作:《建立世界知識產權組織公約》(1967年版)第3條。WIPO亦協助技術轉讓及創造性知識產權,以及承辦特別為發展中國家、及向市場經濟轉型國家設計的工業產權及版權法領域的活動。1996年,透過與世界貿易組織(WTO)締結合作協議,WIPO的職責獲得擴展,進一步證明了知識產權在全球化貿易管理中的重要性。目前,WIPO管理著20多項國際條約,最初的兩項條約為1883年的《保護工業產權巴黎公約》(後於1967年在斯德哥爾摩經過修訂),及1886年的《保護文學和藝術作品伯爾尼公約》。WIPO乃根據1967年的《建立世界知識產權組織公約》而成立,旨在取代保護知識產權聯合國際局(或BIRPI,其法文縮略語)。另見 Copyright; International copyright; Work。




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