

单词 Offence
释义 罪行
A specified transgression of the criminal or regulatory law. An offence may be against the common law or against provisions of an Ordinance or its subsidiary legislation. Generally, there must be a guilty intention before an offence can be committed. Criminal liability does not usually flow where an event occurs by accident, without the presence of some deliberate act, or where the situation or mental condition of the accused is such that the commission of the offence should be excused. There is a presumption that in every statutory offence, the prosecution must prove the mens rea even where the offence is defined only in terms of the actus reus. However, the presumption may be displaced where strict liability is imposed by statute upon commission of such an offence: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 9, Criminal Law and Procedure [130.067]. So far as the jurisdiction of criminal courts in Hong Kong and the procedure to be adopted in criminal proceedings are concerned, there is a distinction between offences which are triable summarily and which are triable upon indictment. Where a provision in an Ordinance creates or results in the creation of an offence, that offence is deemed to be summary only unless (1) the offence is declared to be treason; or (2) the words ‘upon indictment’ or ‘on indictment’ appear; or (3) the offence is transferred to the District Court in accordance with the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227): Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 9, Criminal Law and Procedure [130.052]. See also Crime; Indictable offence; Penalty; Summary offence.
違反某指明刑事或監管法律。一項罪行可以是針對普通法或條例規定或條例的附屬法規。一般來說,必須有犯罪意圖才可犯罪。沒有一定的故意行為,或被控人的情況或心態致令犯罪行為應被寬宥者,刑事法律責任通常並產生自因意外而發生的事件。法律推定控方必須就每一項法定罪行,證明造意,就算罪行只以犯罪行為作定義。但是,凡法例就犯罪施加嚴格法律責任的情形,該推定可被取代:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第9冊,刑事與法律訴訟程序,第[130.067]段。直到目前,就香港刑事法庭及刑事法律程序採用的程序的司法管轄權而言,可循簡易程序審訊的罪行及可循公訴程序審訊的罪行兩者之間,存著有明顯的分別。凡藉條例規定產生的或條例規定引致產生的罪行,除非是(1) 被宣布為叛逆罪;或(2) 出現了「循公訴程序」或「循公訴程序」等詞;或 (3) 根據《裁判官條例》(第227章)移交至區域法院者:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第9冊,刑事與法律訴訟程序,第[130.052]段,否則該罪行會被當作簡易罪行。另見 Crime; Indictable offence; Penalty; Summary offence。n.




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