

单词 Sufficient acknowledgment
释义 足夠的確認聲明
In intellectual property law, an acknowledgement identifying the work in question by its title or other description, and identifying the author unless in the case of a published work, it is published anonymously, or in the case of an unpublished work, it is not possible for a person to ascertain the identity of the author by reasonable inquiry: Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528) s 198(1). The reading or recitation in public by one person of a reasonable extract from a published literary or dramatic work does not infringe any copyright in the work if it is accompanied by a sufficient acknowledgement: s 68(1). See also Author; Copyright; Direct infringement.
在知識產權法上,除就已發表作品而言,該項作品是不具名發表的;或就未發表作品而言,任何人不能藉合理查究而確定其作者的身分,否則可憑藉有關作品的名稱或其他描述而作出確認該項作品並識別其作者的聲明:《版權條例》(第528章)第198(1)條。由一個人公開誦讀或背誦已發表的文學作品或戲劇作品的合理摘錄,只要附有足夠的確認聲明,即不屬侵犯該作品的任何版權:第 68(1)條。另見 Author; Copyright; Direct infringement。




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