

单词 Fidelity
释义 忠誠;忠實
The trust which exists between agent and principal that the agent will faithfully observe the duties and responsibilities owed to the principal, and that the principal will indemnify the agent against all liabilities incurred in the reasonable performance of the agency. The duty of fidelity arises by implication from the contract of employment: Kishimoto Sangyo Co Ltd & Anor v Oba & Ors [1996] 2 HKC 260 (CA). An employee is bound by his implied duty of fidelity and good faith to his employer: (i) not to use or disclose during his employment confidential information gained in the course of his employment; and (ii) not to use or disclose either during his employment or thereafter information which is not merely confidential but can properly be regarded as trade secrets. For breach of this duty damages are recoverable at common law. See also Duty to keep accounts; Indemnity.
代理人及委託人之間存在的信任,即代理會忠誠地遵守他對委託人負有的職責及責任,委託人則會就有關代理於合理履行責任的情況下所招致的一切法律責任,對有關代理人作出彌償。忠誠責任從僱傭合約以默示的方式產生:Kishimoto Sangyo Co Ltd & Anor v Oba & Ors [1996] 2 HKC 260 (上訴法庭)。僱員對其僱主負有隱含的忠誠及真誠責任,並受此責任約束:(i)在受僱期間,僱員不得使用或披露在受僱工作期間獲得的機密資料;以及(ii)在受僱期間或離職之後,不能使用或披露不僅是機密的資料,而且可恰當地被視為商業秘密的資料。如違反此等責任,則可在普通法下追討損害賠償。另見 Duty to keep accounts; Indemnity。n.




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