

单词 Feature of shape, configuration, pattern or ornamentation
释义 形狀、構形、式樣或裝飾的特色
Features that must be shown to constitute a design: Registered Designs Ordinance (Cap 522) s 2(1). The division between ‘shape and configuration’ on the one side and ‘pattern and ornament’ on the other is not rigid: Cow (PB) & Coy Ltd v Cannon Rubber Manufacturers Ltd [1959] RPC 347 (CA). Shape and configuration have generally been regarded as synonymous but there may, nevertheless, be exceptions: C Art Ltd v Ability Manufactory Ltd [1989] 1 HKC 320 (HC). See also Applied to an article; Design; Pattern or ornament.
必須證明以構成外觀設計的特色:《註冊外觀設計條例》(第522章)第2(1)條。一邊為「形狀和構形」及一邊為「式樣和裝飾」的分類並不嚴格:Cow (PB) & Coy Ltd v Cannon Rubber Manufacturers Ltd [1959] RPC 347 (上訴法院)。一般視形狀及構形沒有分別,但儘管如此,也可能有例外的情況:C Art Ltd v Ability Manufactory Ltd [1989] 1 HKC 320 (高等法院)。另見 Applied to an article; Design; Pattern or ornament。




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