

单词 Fault
释义 過失
1. Defect, blemish, flaw or imperfection. 2. A mistake or error in thought or action. 3. An act or omission which gives rise to a liability.
Contract - An error which may include some instances of carelessness, ‘wilful ignorance or culpable neglect’: Beauchamp (Earl) v Winn (1873) LR 6 HL 223 (HL). However, this does not imply that there must be a breach of some duty of care. It is required not only that the parties’ common mistake be ‘fundamental’ but also that the party seeking to have the contract set aside not be at fault: Solle v Butcher [1949] 2 All ER 1107, [1950] 1 KB 671 (CA); China Resources Metals & Minerals Co Ltd v Ananda Non-Ferrous Metals Ltd [1994] 3 HKC 526 (HC).
Sale of goods - A wrongful act or default: Sale of Goods Ordinance (Cap 26) s 2. Where either party is at fault, he is liable, if the seller, for non-delivery, and, if the buyer, he must pay for the goods, although they are not delivered: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 23, Sale of Goods [355.062].
Tort - Negligence, breach of statutory duty or any other act or omission which gives rise to a liability in tort or would, apart from the Law Amendment and Reform (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap 23), give rise to a defence of contributory negligence: Law Amendment and Reform (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap 23) s 21(1). It includes a breach of statutory duty: s 21(10). Where the accident was committed with plaintiff’s own fault, it will constitute contributory negligence in law. In each case, the court has to consider whether or not the damage has been caused partly by the plaintiff’s own fault, and if so, to assess his share of responsibility: Chung Kei v So Yiu & Anor (t/a Wai Yip Plastic Metal Factory & Ors) [1987] 1 HKC 373 (HC); Wong Shek Keung & Anor v Leung Sing Kiu & Anor (Administrators of the Estate of Chan Lai Wah, dec’d) [1989] 1 HKC 202 (CA).
1. 欠妥之處、缺點、瑕疵或缺陷。 2. 思想上或行動上的過失或錯誤。 3. 產生法律責任的作為或不作為。
合約 -   指可包括不小心事件、「故意的不知曉或可構成罪行的疏忽」事件的錯誤:Beauchamp (Earl) v Winn (1873) LR 6 HL 223 (上議院)。但並不暗示必需有謹慎責任的違反。各方的共同錯誤不僅須是「基本的」,並且尋求取消合約的一方不得犯錯:Solle v Butcher [1949] 2 All ER 1107,[1950] 1 KB 671(芵國上訴法院);China Resources Metals & Minerals Co Ltd v Ananda Non-Ferrous Metals Ltd [1994] 3 HKC 526 (高等法院)。
貨品售賣 - 指錯誤的作為或不履行責任:《貨品售賣條例》(第26章)第2條。如任何一方犯錯,則該方須負上法律責任;如是賣方,須為不交貨負上法律責任;如他是買方,儘管仍未交付有關貨品,他必須為貨品付款:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第23冊,貨品售賣,第[355.062]段。
侵權法 -   指疏忽、違反法定責任或引致侵權法下的法律責任的其他作為或不作為、或除《法律修訂及改革(綜合)條例》(第23章)外會引致以共分疏忽為免責辯護理由的其他作為或不作為:《法律修訂及改革(綜合)條例》 (第23章)第21(1)條。過失包括違反法定責任:第21(10)條。如意外因原告人本身的過失而發生,在法律上會構成共分疏忽。在每一宗案件中,法庭須考慮有關的損害是否部分因原告人的過失所造成,如屬實,則須就原告人所須分擔的責任作出評估:Chung Kei v So Yiu (t/a Wai Yip Plastic Metal Factory) [1987] 1 HKC 373; Wong Shek Keung v Leung Sing Kin (Administrators of the Estate of Chan Lai Wah,已去世) [1989] 1 HKC 202 (上訴法)。n.




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