

单词 Ferae naturae
释义 野生的
Lat – of wild disposition; animals not normally domesticated. One of the two classifications of animals, the other being domitae naturae (of a tame nature). Animals may be regarded as ferae naturae on the basis of their species, irrespective of the disposition of individual animals of that type. The classification of a particular species is a question of law for the court to decide, either on the basis of judicial notice or expert evidence: Ng Kwei (suing as administratrix of the estate of Wong Hei, (dec’d)) v Tang Kwai & A-G [1963] HKLR 841. Liability for animals ferae naturae is strict; the keeper of a wild animal is liable for all consequences of its escape, even if not negligent with regard to the escape: Behrens & Anor v Bertram Mills Circus Ltd [1957] 1 All ER 583, 2 QB 1. The owner or keeper of animals ferae naturae or animals Mansuetae naturae has a strict liability to confine or control them so that they shall not do injury to others and no proof of care on his part will absolve him from responsibility: Read v J Lyons & Co Ltd [1946] 2 All ER 471, [1947] AC 156 (HL). A man has a right to keep an animal which is ferae naturae, and nobody has a right to interfere with him in doing so until some mischief happens; but as soon as the animal has done an injury to any person, then the act of keeping it becomes, as regards that person, an act for which the owner is responsible: Jackson v Smithson (1846) 15 M & W 563, 2 Digest 243. It is not unlawful or wrongful to keep such an animal; the wrong is in allowing it to escape from the keeper’s control with the result that it does damage: Knott v London County Council [1934] 1 KB 126, 150 LT 91 (CA). See also Strict liability.
拉丁語 ─ 有野性的;一般不被馴養的動物。野生動物是其中一種動物分類,另外一種是馴養動物。可根據動物的物種界定為野生動物,而不論該類動物中個別動物的性情。某特定物種的分類是法律的問題,由法院根據司法認知或專家證據作出決定:Ng Kwei (suing as administratrix of the estate of Wong Hei, (已去世)) v Tang Kwai & A-G [1963] HKLR 841。野生動物的法律責任屬嚴格法律責任;即使野生動物的逃脫不涉及疏忽,野生動物畜養人須就野生動物逃脫而引起的一切後果負上法律責任,:Behrens & Anor v Bertram Mills Circus Ltd [1957] 1 All ER 583, 2 QB 1。野生或溫馴動物的所有人或畜養人,負有禁閉或控制有關動物的嚴格法律責任,因而使該動物不能傷害他人,而任何謹慎行事的證明均不能免除該動物所有人或畜養人的責任:Read v J Lyons & Co Ltd [1946] 2 All ER 471, [1947] AC 156 (上院)。人有畜養野生動物的權利,此外其他人無權干預此等權利,直至若干損害發生為止;但一旦該動物已對人作出傷害,就該受傷的人而言,該畜養的行為便成為所有人要負責任的行為:Jackson v Smithson (1846) 15 M & W 563, 2 Digest 243。畜養此等動物並非不合法或不當;過失之處在於讓該動物從畜養人的控制下逃脫,並引致損害的後果:Knott v London County Council [1934] 1 KB 126, 150 LT 91 (上訴法院)。另見 Strict liability。




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