

单词 Partner's duty to render accounts
释义 合夥人須提供帳目的責任
The duty of a partner to provide true accounts and full information about all things affecting the partnership to all other partners or their legal representatives: Partnership Ordinance (Cap 38) s 30. A partner must disclose any special knowledge about the condition of the partnership when dissolution is contemplated: Law v Law [1905] 1 Ch 140, [1904-7] All ER Rep 526 (CA). There must be a request to render accounts and the right to have an obligation to render accounts is important such that inspection and copying of books will not discharge such duties: Fook Lung Firm v Lai Yuen Firm & Ors (1910) OJ No 6 of 1910. See also Fiduciary duty; Partnership.
每名合夥人的責任是須向其他所有合夥人或其法律代表提供真實帳目及影響合夥的所有事情:《合夥條例》(第38章)第30條。當合夥是預傋解散時,每一合夥人須透露有關合夥的情況的特別知識:Law v Law [1905] 1 Ch 140, [1904-7] All ER Rep 526(英國上訴法院)。但須要求合夥人須提供帳目及有權須提供帳目的責任是重要的因而查閱及複印帳目不會解除該等責任:Fook Lung Firm v Lai Yuen Firm & Ors (1910) OJ No 6 of 1910。另見 Fiduciary duty; Partnership。




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