

单词 Partner's duty to account for private profits
释义 合夥人須為私人利潤作出交代的責任
The duty of a partner to account to the partnership for any benefit derived without the consent of the other partners from a transaction concerning the partnership or from any use by the partner of the partnership property, name, or business connection: Partnership Ordinance (Cap 38) s 31(1). This duty extends to transactions undertaken after a partnership has been dissolved by the death of a partner, and before the affairs thereof have been completely wound up, either by any surviving partner or by the representatives of the deceased partner: s 31(2). Note that although this provision is couched in mandatory terms, the section does not alter the limitations and qualifications of the remedy of account of profits as an equitable remedy: Kao Lee& Yip v Koo Hoi Yan Donald & Ors [2003] 2 HKC 113. See also Fiduciary duty; Partnership.
每名合夥人的責任是須就其未經其他合夥人同意而得自與合夥有關的任何交易,或得自使用合夥財產、名稱或業務關係的任何利益,向商號呈交帳目:《合夥條例》(第38章)第31(1)條。這責任伸延至合夥因一名合夥人死亡而解散但合夥事務尚未完全結束前,由尚存的合夥人或由已故合夥人的代表所進行的交易:第31(2)條。須注意的是雖然這條例是以強制性的措詞表達出來,但這條不會改變作出私人利潤的補償的限制及資格:Kao Lee & Yip v. Koo Hoi Yan Donald & Ors [2003] 2HKC 113。另見 Fiduciary duty; Partnership。




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