

单词 Partial incapacity
释义 部分喪失工作能力
Where the incapacity is of a temporary nature, such incapacity as reduces the earning capacity of an employee in any employment in which he was engaged at the time of the accident resulting in the incapacity, and, where the incapacity is of a permanent nature, such incapacity (which may include disfigurement) as reduces his earning capacity, present or future, in any employment which he was capable of undertaking at that time: Employees’ Compensation Ordinance (Cap 282) s 3(1). See also Employees’ compensation; Injury; Total incapacity.
如屬暫時喪失工作能力, 指僱員受僱時因發生意外,導致他喪失工作能力而減低他賺取收入的能力;如屬永久喪失工作能力(可包括毀容),指減低他在意外發生時勝任的任何工作中現時或將來賺取收入的能力:《僱員補償條例》(第282章)第3(1)條。另見 Injury; Suitable employments; Total incapacity; Workers’ compensation。




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