

单词 Vest
释义 獲賦予/轉歸
1. To effectively transfer legal ownership, rights or powers to another or place property in the possession or control of another (for example, Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) s 9(1)); when a legal right or interest accrues to a person on the happening of the contingency or condition precedent to its vesting such as lapse of time or determination of a prior interest. 2. In property law, the commencement of an interest in property can be made contingent upon the occurrence of certain events. However, where an interest is certain to come to person A, the interest is said to have vested in A, even if A is not entitled to possession until a future time. If the holder of the interest is not immediately entitled to possession, the holder is said to have a vested interest. Such a right is a future interest to property. See also Accrue; Accruer clause; Contingency; Contingent interest; Condition precedent; Future interest; Life tenant; Possession; Vested interest; Vested rights; Vesting of property.
1.有效地向另一人轉移法律上的所有權,權利或權力,或有效地把財產的管有或控制置於另一人手中(例如《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章)第9(1)條);當某項法律上的權利或權益在以下情況下產生而歸於某人:該項法律上的權利或權益或有事件或先決條件發生時,例如時效消失或優先權益終止。  2.就財產法而言,財產權益的產生可設定為取決於某些事件的發生。然而,凡甲方肯定會獲得權益,該權益即稱為歸屬於甲方,縱使甲方在未來某個時間方會獲得管有權。如權益持有人並不即時享有管有權,該持有人則被稱為擁有未來的權益。此等權利是一項涉及財產的未來權益。另見 Accrue; Accruer clause; Contingency; Contingent interest; Condition precedent; Future interest; Life tenant; Possession; Vested interest; Vested rights; Vesting of property。 n.




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