

单词 Variation of rights
释义 權利的更改
In corporations law, alteration of rights attached to a class of shares. Where a company’s share capital is divided into different classes of shares to which different rights are attached, then particular provisions will apply to any attempt to vary them: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 6, Companies and Corporations [95.0227]. In the event that the rights are attached to shares other than through the memorandum of association and there are no provisions in the company’s articles of association which permit or regulate variation of the rights, then such rights may only be varied if (1) the holders of not less than three-quarters in nominal value of the issued shares of that class of shares consent in writing to the proposed variation; or (2) an extraordinary resolution passed at a separate general meeting of the holders of that class of shares sanctions the variation: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 63A(1). In addition, any other requirement which must be complied with in order to vary the class rights, is also complied with: s 63A(4). See also Class of shares; Memorandum of association.
就公司法而言,對附於某股票類別的權利作出的更改。如某公司的股本被劃分為不同類別的股票,而每類別附有不同的權利,則個別條文將適用於任何作出的更改:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第6冊,公司與法團,第[95.0227]段。凡一間公司的股本分為不同類別的股份,而特別權利並非藉章程大綱附於任何此等類別股份,而且章程細則並無訂定關於更改該等權利的條文,則章程細則須當作載有條文,規定除(1)獲得持有面值四分之三有關類別的已發行股份的股東書面同意外;或(2)除獲得該類別股份持有人獨立舉行的大會上通過一項特別決議認許外,不得更改上述權利:《公司條例》(第 32章)第63A(1)條。此外,任何其他為更改有關類別權利而須獲遵從的規定亦須予以遵從:第 63A(4)條。另見 Class of shares; Memorandum of association。




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