

单词 Final completion
释义 最後竣工
In a construction project, the stage at which everything required by the contract is finally completed, so that the contractor is discharged from all contractual obligations. This is in contrast with practical or substantial completion where the work is only substantially completed, with minor outstanding works and defect rectification works to be carried out. Normally, under standard building contracts, substantial or practical completion marks the commencement of the defects liability period, and final completion is achieved upon expiry of the defects liability period and the completion of all outstanding works and rectification of defects by the contractor. Whether or not the building contract expressly requires it, the contractor must bring the work to final completion in terms of the contract. This includes work which, although not expressly specified in the contractual documents, is ancillary to that work and necessary for its performance. Final completion is marked by the giving of a final certificate; the proprietor then pays the balance of the price, including any retention moneys, and releases any performance securities held. See also Certificate; Contractor; Discharge; Performance; Practical completion; Retention money; Substantial completion.
建造工程中,指合約規定的所有事情已最終完工的階段,承建商因此獲解除所有由合約訂明的責任。最後竣工有別於實際竣工或大致竣工,即有關工程僅大致竣工,還有須進行的小規模尚待完成的工程及修補缺陷的工程。在標準建造合約下,大致竣工或實際竣工代表維修責任期的開始,一旦期滿,並且當承建商已完成所有尚待完成的工程及修正缺陷時,即已達致最後竣工。不論建造合約有否如此明文規定,承建商亦必須按合約條款使有關工程達致最後竣工。即包括合約文件中沒有明文指明的工作,但該項工作是附帶於該項工程、並對履行該項工程的是必需的。最後竣工以發出最終證明書表明,然後所有人支付售價的餘額(包括任何工程累積保證金)及解除持有的履行保證金。另見 Certificate; Contractor; Discharge; Performance; Practical completion; Retention money; Substantial completion。




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