

单词 At large
释义 不在羈留中
1. In relation to dogs, not in the immediate custody, protection and control of some competent person: Ross v Evans [1959] 2 All ER 222, 2 QB 79. Any animal found at large without any person having the charge thereof may be seized by Agricultural and Fisheries Department or the police: Pounds Ordinance (Cap 168) s 2. 2. In relation to a person, the police may arrest a person at large who is the subject of a recall order: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 109AC(1), (2). An offender is regarded as lawfully at large when there is a long delay between either the time of the offence and the institution of the criminal proceedings or, the hearing and final determination of appeal against conviction and sentence, during which the offender is lawfully at large: R v Wong Muk Ping [1987] 2 HKC 170 (CA).
1.就犬只而言,不在若干合格人員的即時羈押、保護及管控中:Ross v Evans [1959] 2 All ER 222, 2 QB 79。凡任何動物被發現在無人管束下自由走動,則漁農處或警方可捕捉該動物:《動物羈留所條例》(第168章)第2條。  2.就人而言,指警方可逮捕召回令所針對的不在羈留中的人:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第109AC(1)、(2)條。如罪行與刑事法律程序機構間,或聆訊與定罪及刑罰上訴最終裁定間存在長時間延滯,而在該延滯期間犯罪者合法地不在羈留中,則犯罪者將被視為合法地不在羈留中:R v Wong Muk Ping [1987] 2 HKC 170(上訴法庭)。




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