

单词 Vendor's lien
释义 賣主的留置權
A lien held by the seller of goods over the document of title until purchase price is fully paid. The vendor’s right to receive the purchase money is secured first, by a lien upon the property, and secondly, by his right, in the absence of express stipulation as to the time of delivering possession, to retain possession until the purchase money is paid: Lysaght v Edwards (1876) 2 Ch D 499. The vendor’s lien is a legal lien on the land and the title deeds while in his possession, and in equity the lien subsists until actual payment where the vendor no longer has possession of the title deeds. See also Lien; Seller; Vendor.
由貨物的賣方持有業權文件的留置權,直至買款已獲繳足為止。賣主可透過以下方法確保收取買款的權利:首先,憑藉該財物的留置權;其次,當無任何有關交付管有的時間的明文規定,憑藉其保留管有該財物的權利,直至已獲支付買款為止:Lysaght v Edwards (1876) 2 Ch D 499。賣主的留置權是在土地上及在所有權契據上的法律留置權,當他仍管有該土地及所有權契據;而在衡平法上,當賣主再不管有該所有權契據,該留置權仍繼續有效,直至實際付款為止。另見 Lien; Seller; Vendor。




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