

单词 Variation order
释义 更改命令
An order or instruction to change the previous contract terms, order or instruction.
Building and Construction - Abbr – VO An order or direction from the employer or his agent which authorises a variation of works. The formal requirements for a variation order contained in a building contract are not usually construed in a strict or technical way: Tersons Ltd v Stevenage Development Corp [1965] 1 QB 37, [1963] 3 All ER 863. The stipulated form of a variation order must be compiled with before the proprietor will be bound: for example Myers v Sarl (1860) 3 El & El 306, 30 LJQB 9, 121 ER 457. In the absence of a variation order, the contractor cannot claim additional payment. See also Variation of works.
Family law - An order to vary or discharge an order previously made by the court: Matrimonial Causes Rules (Cap 179A) r 2(2). The court has power to vary or discharge the order or to suspend any provision thereof temporarily and to revive the operation of any provision so suspended: Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Ordinance (Cap 192) s 11(1). In exercising such powers the court shall have regard to all the circumstances of the case, including any change in any of the matters to which the court was required to have regard when making the order to which the application relates and, where the party against whom that order was made has died, the changed circumstances resulting from his or her death: s 11(7). An application for a variation order shall be supported by an affidavit by the applicant setting out full particulars of his property and income and the grounds on which the application is made: Matrimonial Causes Rules (Cap 179A) r 75(1).
建築物與建造 - 簡寫 – VO 由僱主或其代理作出授權更改工程的命令或指示。載於建造合約的更改工程命令的正式規定通常不會以嚴格或技術性的方式解釋:Tersons Ltd v Stevenage Development Corp [1963] 3 All ER 863。更改工程命令的訂定格式須先予以遵從,方可使物業所有人受約束:例如 Myers v Sarl (1860) 3 El & El 306, 30 LJQB 9, 121 ER 457。在沒有更改令的情況下,承辦商不可申索額外的款項。另見工程的更改。
家庭法 -   對法庭以前作出的命令予以更改或解除的命令:《婚姻訴訟規則》(第179A章)規則2(2)。法庭具有更改或解除某命令、或暫時中止執行該命令中任何規定的權力:《婚姻法律程序與財產條例》(第192章)第11(1)條。在行使本條所授予的權力時,法庭須顧及案件的所有情況,包括顧及法庭在作出與申請有關的命令時須予顧及的任何事項的任何轉變,若該命令所針對的一方經已去世,則須包括顧及由於該方的去世而導致的情況轉變:第11(7)條。凡申請更改令,須以申請人的誓章作為支持,誓章內須列述申請人的財產及收入的詳細資料,以及申請的理由:《婚姻訴訟規則》(第179A章)規則75(1)。




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