

单词 Beneficiary witness
释义 實益見證人
A beneficiary under a will who witnesses the making of that will, with the result that such witnessing deprives the witness of any entitlement as a beneficiary under the will: Thorpe v Bestwick (1881) 6 QBD 311. The beneficiary witness rule provides that where a witness or spouse of an attesting witness is a beneficiary under the will, gifts to that beneficiary will be void: Wills Ordinance (Cap 30) s 10(1). An exception to the beneficiary witness rule is introduced in the Wills Ordinance s 10(3). It provides that such attestation by a beneficiary witness shall be disregarded if the will is duly executed without such attestation: s 10(3). In other words, for the exception to apply, there must be at least two ‘independent’, ie non-beneficiary witnesses, before the other beneficiary witness(es) can be disregarded and be allowed to take his (or their) gifts. There is no limit to how many such beneficiary witnesses can benefit from the exception provided there are no less than two non-beneficiary witnesses, the exception cannot apply in favour of any of them since none can point to the will being ‘duly executed without his attestation and without that of any other such person’. A creditor who enjoys a charge on property for the repayment of debt in his favour under a will can still be admitted as a witness, despite the personal interest in upholding the validity of the will and thus the charge in his favour: s 11; Annotated Ordinance of Hong Kong: Wills Ordinance (Butterworths, 1999) paras 10.10, 10.13, 11.02. See also Beneficial interest; Beneficiary; Supernumerary witness.
遺囑下的受益人見證有關遺囑的制訂,結果使有關的見證剝奪有關的證人在遺囑下享有任何權利:Thorpe v Bestwick (1881) 6 QBD 311。實益見證人的原則規定,如見證人或證明遺囑的見證人的配偶是遺囑的受益人,則給予該受益人的饋贈無效。《遺囑條例》(第30章) 第10 (1)條。《遺囑條例》(第30章)第10 (3) 條對受益證人這條規則,訂有例外情況。《遺囑條例》(第30章)第10 (3) 條規定,如為遺囑作見證,而該遺囑沒有其見證或任何這些人的見證亦已屬妥為簽立,則受益見證人所作的見證須不予理會:第10。也就是說,如欲引用例外情況,在其他非實益見證人可被不予理會及被准予取其饋贈前,必須至少有兩名「獨立的見證人」,即非實益見證人。如有至少兩位非實益見證人,則沒有限制此類實益見證人可從例外情況受益的數目限制。引用例外情況時,不可以他們為受益人,因為沒有人可指向「在沒有他見證及在沒有任何其他見證人的情況下妥為簽立」的遺囑。根據遺囑而享有物業抵押以償還欠下他本人債項的債權人,仍可被接納為見證人,雖然在維護有關遺囑的有效性時,亦即是有利於他的抵押,會涉及他的個人利益:第11條;Annotated Ordinance of Hong Kong: Wills Ordinance (Butterworths,1999年) 第10.10,10.13,11.02段。另見 Beneficial interest; Beneficiary; Supernumerary witness。




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