

单词 Legation
释义 公使館
In foreign relations, a diplomatic establishment or suite that lacks the full power, functions, and competence of an embassy or high commission. A legation usually has an envoy as its head. A recognised sovereign and independent state may accredit diplomatic agents to represent its interests in foreign states (right to ‘active legation’), and to reciprocally receive similar agents from foreign states (right to ‘passive legation’). See also Embassy; Envoy.
就外交關係而言,指缺乏如大使館或專員公署的全面權力、功能及權限範圍的外交機構。公使館通常以公使為其首長。一個獲承認的主權及獨立國家可隸屬外交代理以代表其外國的權益(主動公使館的權利),及互惠地接受其他外國國家的相似代理(被動公使館的權利)。另見 Embassy; Envoy。n.




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