

单词 Private Bill
释义 私人條例草案
A bill which provides primarily for the particular interest or benefit of any individual, association or body corporate rather than the interest or benefit of the public; and is not a Government measure: Private Bills Ordinance (Cap 69) s 2. The private bill for presentation to the Legislative Council shall, apart from conforming with other requirements, include a ‘saving’ clause stating that ‘nothing in the Ordinance shall affect or be deemed to affect the rights of the Central Authorities or the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region under the Basic Law and other laws, or the rights of any body politic or corporate or of any other person except such as are mentioned in the Ordinance and those claiming by, from or under them’: Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Cap 2501) r 50(8). When a Member of the Legislative Council gives his notice of intention to present a private bill, the notice shall be accompanied by a certificate signed by the Member, stating that the bill has been published in two successive publications of the Gazette and that notice of the bill has been given by two advertisements in each of two daily newspapers published in Hong Kong, one being a Chinese language newspaper and another being an English language newspaper: Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Cap 2501) r 51(6).
私人條例草案指主要是為個人,社團或法團的某些利益,而並非為公眾的利益, 作出規定;及並非政府法案:《私人條例草案》(第69章)第2條。除符合其他的要求, 向立法會提出的私人條例草案應包括一條 「保留條文」 說明在條例中不會影響或被認為影響中央當局或香港特別行政區政府在基本法及其他法律下的權利,或任何政治團體或法人團體或其他人的權利,但該法案所述及者, 以及經由, 透過或藉其提出申索者的權利除外 :別行政區立法會議事規則(第2501)第 50(8)條。如立法會議員提交作出示明私人條例草案的意向預告,則預告須符有由該議員簽署的證明書, 說明該法案已連續兩期在憲報刊登, 並已在每日在本港出版的中英報章各一份各刊登廣告兩次, 就該法案作出預告:香港特別行政區立法會議事規則(第2501) 第 51(6)條。另見公眾法令。




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