

单词 Substantial damages
释义 實質損害賠償
1. Damages compensating the plaintiff for harm or loss actually suffered as the result of a tort or breach of contract. The term is used in contrast to nominal damages. Substantial damages are the most common form of damages and are awarded as a lump sum. Substantial damages may be awarded for injury to the plaintiff’s credit or reputation, or for inconvenience or loss of enjoyment where the injury, inconvenience or loss was within the presumed contemplation of the parties as likely to result from a breach of contract. In an action for breach of contract to sustain the plaintiff's credit substantial damages are recoverable in respect of the injury done to his reputation: Wilson v United Counties Bank Ltd [1920] AC 102 (HL). Substantial damages may also be awarded where the injury to the plaintiff's credit or reputation is due to loss of publicity of which he has been wrongfully deprived in breach of contract: Foaminol Laboratories Ltd v Britisht Artid Plastics Ltd [1941] 2 All ER 393. 2. In relation to trespass to the person, substantial damages are recoverable for discomfort and inconvenience (Bailey v Bullock [1950] 2 All ER 1167), or injury to dignity, even where no physical injury is proved. 3. In relation to sale of land, where, at the time of entering into the contract, the vendor knows that he has no title and no means of acquiring one, and the circumstances are such as to make his conduct fraudulent, the purchaser can recover substantial damages in an action of deceit: Panlead Development Ltd v Yee Fong Chung [1998] 2 HKLRD 92. Equally, substantial damages may be awarded to the purchaser where the vendor makes a misrepresentation as to his title not proved to have been made without negligence: Misrepresentation Ordinance (Cap 284) s 3(1); Green Park Properties Ltd v Dorku Ltd [2002] 1 HKC 121 (CFA). See also Breach of contract; Damages; Nominal damages.
 1.補償原告人因侵權行為或違約而實際上蒙受的損失的損害賠償。可觀損害賠償與象徵式損害賠償的用法相對。可觀損害賠償是最普遍的損害賠償形式,並以一整筆款項授予。如有關的損害、不便或損失是推定有關當事人預期會因違約而相當可能招致,則可因損害原告人的信用或名譽或原告人生活享受的喪失或不便而授予可觀損害賠償。在原告人信用蒙受損害的違約訴訟中,可就關於損害原告人名譽的行為追討可觀損害賠償:Wilson v United Counties Bank Ltd [1920] AC 102(上議院)。如對原告人的信用或名譽做成的損害是因為在違約下,他/她因不當地被剝奪而被公布,則亦可授予可觀損害賠償:Foaminol Laboratories Ltd v Britisht Artid Plastics Ltd [1941] 2 All ER 393。  2. 就侵犯他人的行為而言,即使沒有證明身體上的傷害,也可為不適及不便(Bailey v Bullock [1950] 2 All ER 1167),或尊嚴受損而追討可觀損害賠償。  3. 就土地售賣而言,如在訂立合約時,賣方知悉他/她沒有所有權,並且沒有方法獲得,而有關的情況使其行為成為欺詐性行為,則買方可在詐騙的訴訟中追討可觀損害賠償:Panlead Development Ltd v Yee Fong Chung [1998] 2 HKLRD 92。如賣方就其所有權作出失實陳述,但沒有證明是在沒有疏忽的情況下作出,則同樣可授予可觀損害賠償:《失實陳述條例》(第284章)第3(1)條;Green Park Properties Ltd v Dorku Ltd [2000] 4 HKC 538。另見 Breach of contract; Damages; Nominal damages。




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