

单词 Blind witness
释义 失明證人
Generally, a blind person is not deemed capable of witnessing a will because of the inability to attest to the truth of something essentially visible. The formalities requirement that the testator sign in the physical view of the attesting witness cannot be satisfied where the witness is blind: In the Will of Morgan [1905] VLR 335; Re Gibson(dec’d) [1949] 2 All ER 90, P 434; Wills Ordinance (Cap 30) s 5.
概括而言,因為失明人不能見證若干所需可見的真相,所以被視為不能擔當遺囑見證人。如見證人是失明人士,則不能符合立遺囑人在見證人親自觀察下簽署遺囑的正式手續規定:In the will of Morgan [1905] VLR 335;Re Gibson(dec’d) [1949] 2 All ER 90,P 434;《遺囑條例》(第30章)第5條。




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