

单词 Blockade
释义 封鎖
The besieging of an enemy and prevention of access by land, sea, or air to or from the enemy’s territory. A blockade is breached if there is actual or attempted passage through the area or from the area under blockade, unless the vessel in question is in need of repair or assistance. To be valid a blockade must be effective: Declaration of Paris Respecting Maritime Law of 1856 art 4. Blockades can be enforced by both belligerents and United Nations security council resolutions however they will differ in nature depending on who is enforcing them. The traditional penalty for a blockade is the confiscation of the ship or aircraft as well as its cargo. A peaceful blockade by sea or land is an act of aggression in contradiction of the principles of international law, unless approved by the United Nations. See also Act of war; Aggression; Belligerent.
包圍敵人,並阻截進出敵境的海陸空通道。如通過或試圖通過封鎖下的範圍,除非有關的交通工具須維修或援助,否則即屬違反封鎖。有效的封鎖須是生效的封鎖:《1856年巴黎海事法宣言》第4條。封鎖可由交戰國及聯合國安全理事會議決強制執行,但會視乎執行者的身份而在性質上有別。違反封鎖的傳統處罰是充公船隻或飛機及其貨物。除非聯合國批准,否則海路或陸路的和平封鎖屬於違反國際法原則的侵略行為。另見 Act of war; Aggression; Belligerent。n.




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