

单词 International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations 1961
释义 1961年保護表演者、錄音物製作人及廣播機構國際公約
Abbr - The Rome Convention. The Berne Convention which was revised in Rome in 1928. A multilateral agreement that seeks to create a balance between three different rights: owners; producers of phonograms, performers and broadcasting organisation, without also affecting the international protection afforded to copyright in literary and artistic works: International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisation (Rome Convention) 1961 art 1. The Rome Convention 1961 requires contracting parties to grant the minimum rights provided in the Convention to the nationals of other countries even if it does not grant them to its owns nationals: arts 7, 10, 13. It contains the fundamental principle of mutual protection and code protection for the signatories, and laid down the general criteria for eligibility for protection. See also Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works 1886.
縮寫 — 《羅馬公約》。1928年在羅馬修訂的《波恩公約》。它是一項尋求平衡三種不同權利的多邊協議,該三種權利為:所有人;錄音物製作人,表演者;及廣播機構,而與此同時不影響給予文學及藝術作品的版權國際保護:《1961年保護表演者、錄音物製作人及廣播機構國際公約》第1條。《1961年羅馬公約》要求合約各方就算不向自己國家的國民批予權利亦向其他國家的國民批予公約中最起碼的權利:第7、10及13條。它包含給予締約國相互保障及法典保障的基本原則,它亦闡明要獲得保護資格的一般標準。另見 Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works 1886.




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