

单词 Mediation
释义 調停/調解
A confidential, voluntary, non-binding and private dispute resolution process in which a neutral person (the mediator) helps the parties to reach a negotiated settlement: The Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre Mediation Rules cl 1. Mediation is an informal form of dispute resolution and the mediator may conduct the mediation in such manner, as he considers appropriate, taking into account the circumstances of the case, the wishes of the parties and the need for a speedy settlement of the dispute: cl 8. Nothing that transpires during the course of mediation is intended to or shall in any way affect the rights or prejudice the position of the parties to the dispute in any subsequent arbitration, adjudication or litigation: cl 12(ii). Labour disputes may be resolved by mediation where the Commissioner for Labour appoints a mediator or a board of mediation: Labour Relations Ordinance (Cap 55) s 11A(1). Disputes that come before the Ombudsman may be resolved by way of mediation: The Ombudsman Ordinance (Cap 397) s 11B. Mediation is a proceeding covered by the Legal Aid Ordinance: Legal Aid Ordinance (Cap 91) s 2. See also Alternative dispute resolution; Best alternative to negotiated agreement; Commercial dispute resolution; Mediator.
Conflict of laws - A method of conducting international relations and the pacific settlement of disputes between international persons: Charter of the United Nations 1956 art 33. In international mediation, an impartial third party such as a state, individual, or international organisation facilitates discussions with a view to persuading parties to arrive at a negotiated settlement of their dispute. The third party does not make a binding decision. When a state is the third party it may help institute negotiations but does not usually participate in them itself.
機密、自願、非約束性私下解決爭議的程序,其中由一位中立人士(調解員)協助雙方達成的協商的協議:《香港國際仲裁中心本地調解規則》第1條。調解乃非正式的爭議解決方法,調解員可就個別案件的情況,各方的願望及需要快速和解等方面作出考慮後,按他認為合適的方式進行調解:第18條。在調停過程中得知的,必須不能在日後的任何仲裁、審裁、訴訟中,用以或影響爭議各方的權利或對爭議各方的狀況不利:第12(ii)條。勞資糾紛可由勞工處處長委出調解員或調解委員會而藉調解解決:《勞資關係條例》(第55章)第11A(1)條。已呈申訴專員席前的爭議,可通過調解解決:《申訴專員條例》(第397章)第11B條。調解乃屬《法律援助條例》下的程序:《法律援助條例》(第91章)第2條 。另見 Alternative dispute resolution; Best alternative to negotiated agreement; Commercial dispute resolution; Mediator。
法律衝突 - 就國際法人間的爭端進行國際關係及和平調解之方法:1956年《聯合國憲章》第33條。就國際調停而言,國家,個人或國際組織作為中立的第三者,以勸說各方就爭端進行談判以達成和解為目標而促進討論。第三者不會作出具約束力之決定。當國家為第三者時,它可協助提起談判但一般不會參加談判。n.




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