

单词 Medical examination
释义 體格檢驗
A detailed inspection conducted by a medical practitioner for the purpose of obtaining evidence. In a personal injury action, if a plaintiff is unwilling to submit to a medical examination by a defendant’s doctor, an order that the action be stayed will ordinarily be made on the terms that the defendant should provide the plaintiff with a copy of the report of such an examination: Clarke v Martlew [1973] QB 58, [1972] 3 All ER 764 (CA). It is usually incumbent upon a plaintiff to afford a reasonable opportunity for medical examination: Lane v Willis [1972] 1 All ER 430, 1 WLR 326 (CA).
為取得證據而由醫生作出的詳細檢查。在人身傷害訴訟中,如原告人不願意由被告人的醫生進行體格檢驗,法庭通常會作出擱置訴訟的命令,並發出被告人應向原告人提供一份這樣的檢驗報告的命令條款:Clarke v Martlew [1973] QB 58, [1972] 3 All ER 764 (英國上訴法院)。原告人的責任是提供合理的體格檢驗機會:Lane v Willis [1972] 1 All ER 430, 1 WLR 326 (英國上訴法院)。




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