

单词 Volition
释义 出於本身的意願
The exercise of free will. At common law, for a person to be criminally liable, the prosecution must prove a voluntary act or omission, for without this there is no actus reus. Where there is no exercise of free will, such as in the case of automatism, no criminal liability attaches: Bratty v A-G (Northern Ireland) [1963] AC 386, [1961] 3 All ER 523 (HL). See also Actus reus; Automatism; Voluntariness.
行使自由的意願。在普通法上,在裁定某人負有刑事法律責任時,控方須證明該人作出自願的行為或不行為,否則不存有犯罪行為。凡沒有行使自由的意願(例如在自動症的情況下),則沒有刑事法律責任:Bratty v A-G (Northern Ireland) [1963] AC 386。另見 Actus reus; Automatism; Voluntariness。n.




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