

单词 Hold out
释义 顯示
To represent or pretend. It is an offence for an unqualified, unlicensed or unregistered person to hold out, advertise or represent that he or she is qualified or licensed to provide professional or regulated services; for example, in relation to the dealing of securities: Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571) s 302. Whether an unqualified or unregistered person has committed such an offence is a question of fact, or of mixed fact and law. See also Licensing.
代表他人或假裝。任何不合資格、未領牌或未註冊的人如作出顯示、宣傳或代他人作為提供專業或受規管服務的合資格或已領牌的人,即屬犯法;例如有關證券交易:《證券及期貨條例》(第571章)第302條。任何不合資格或未註冊的人是否已觸犯此等罪行是事實的問題或法律兼事實的問題。另見 Licensing。




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