

单词 Mentally disordered person
释义 精神紊亂的人
A person suffering from a mental disorder: Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136) s 2(1). A mentally disordered person is within the meaning of ‘Person under disability’ (Matrimonial Causes Rules (Cap 179A) r 105(1)) and the meaning of mentally incapacitated person (Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) s 117). A mentally disordered person who signs a bill or note incurs no liability to anyone who is aware of the disorder but has no defence to an action on the bill or note by a holder for value without notice of the disorder: Imperial Loan Co v Stone [1892] 1 QB 599 (CA); Re Whitaker (1889) 42 Ch D 119 (CA). Mentally disordered persons are liable to the same extent as sane persons, provided that they have that state of mind which is required for liability in the particular tort: Hanbury v Hanbury (1892) 8 TLR 559. See also Mental disorder; Mental illness.
指任何患有精神紊亂的人:《精神健康條例》(第136章)第2 (1)條。精神紊亂的人屬「無行為能力」人(《婚姻訴訟規則》(第179A章)第105(1)條)及精神上無行為能力的人:《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第117條。精神紊亂的人在匯票上簽名對知悉他的精神紊亂者不產生法律責任,但就匯票的訴訟,對付出有值代價及沒有獲得通知的持有人,則不具抗辯理由:Imperial Loan Co v Stone [1892] 1 QB 599 (英國上訴法院);Re Whitaker (1889) 42 Ch D 119 (英國上訴法院)。在特定的侵權訴訟中,如精神紊亂的人與神智正常者同樣具有該項侵權所規定的精神狀態,他們擔負的法律責任亦為相同:Hanbury v Hanbury (1892) 8 TLR 559。另見 Mental disorder; Mental illness。




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