

单词 Objective test
释义 客觀測試
Assessing the conduct, mental state or behaviour of a person or the quality of a thing by reference to a standard external to the person who, or the thing which, is being assessed. An objective test is the opposite of a subjective test. Examples of objective tests include the reasonableness test (Hoi Kong Container Services Co Ltd v Bewise Motors Co Ltd [1997] 2 HKC 615 (CA)), the reasonable person test (HKSAR v Ho Chun Bong (HCMA 205/2002, unreported)) and the ordinary person test. A standard of reasonableness may be invoked in circumstances such as the determination of whether an award granted under certain legislation is reasonably capable of being referred to that legislation. In relation to the defence of provocation, the ordinary person test lays down the minimum standard of self-control required by the law: HKSAR v Manjit Singh [2001] 4 HKC 366 (CA). Regard is not had to the characteristics of the accused in determining the characteristics of the ordinary person, although when it is appropriate to do so because of the accused’s immaturity, the ordinary person may be taken to be of the accused’s age: R v Camplin [1978] AC 705, 2 All ER 168 (HL); HKSAR v Mok Tsan Ping [2001] 2 HKLRD 325 (CA). See also Ordinary person test; Remoteness; Subjective test.

評估某人的行徑,心態或行為,或參照被評估的人或物以外在的標準,從而評估某事情的性質。客觀測試與主觀測試相對照。客觀測試的例子包括合理測試(Hoi Kong Container Services Co Ltd v Bewise Motors Co Ltd [1997] 2 HKC 615 (上訴法庭))、合理人測試(HKSAR v Ho Chun Bong(高院裁判法院上訴2002年第205號,未經彙報))及普通人測試。要決定根據某一法例作出的一項判給是否合理地可歸因於該法例,在這種情況下可援引某合理的標準。就激怒的抗辯而言,該項普通人測試規定法律要求的自制能力的最起碼標準:HKSAR v Manjit Singh [2001] 4 HKC 366 (上訴法庭)。在決定該普通人的特徵,不能參考該被控人的特徵,但如指控人為未成年人,則普通人可視為是該被控人的年紀:R v Camplin [1978] AC 705, 2 All ER 168 (上議院);HKSAR v Mok Tsan Ping [2001] 2 HKLRD 325 (上訴法庭)。另見 Ordinary person test; Remoteness; Subjective test。





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