

单词 Virus
释义 病毒
A particle or item which is the agent of infection in a larger body.
Environment - A particle capable of causing disease in humans, plants and animals. Different from bacterium, a virus is unable to multiply or show any sign of life unless it is within another living thing. Once within living cells, it can multiply rapidly, and affect the organism in which it grows. Examples of viruses are the influenza and the HIV virus.
Information technology - Code that is written to intentionally cause damage to a computer system. It is common to find viruses that remain dormant for a long time and then trigger as a result of a series of inputs, keystrokes, or a change of date. See also Hacker.
環境 - 可導致人類、植物和動物害病的微粒。病毒有別於細菌,除非病毒是在另一生物之內,否則不可繁殖或顯示任何生命的徵兆。只要是在活細胞內,病毒可迅速繁殖,及影響病毒在其內增長的的生物體。流行性感冒和愛滋病毒等均屬病毒。
資訊科技 - 電腦病毒  以蓄意導致電腦系統損毀為目的而編寫的編碼。電腦病毒普遍長時間處於潛伏狀態,而在輸入一系列資料、按鍵或改變數據後會觸發該病毒出現。另見 Hacker。 n.




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