

单词 Objection to jurisdiction
释义 反對司法管轄權
Where a defendant objects to the jurisdiction of the court which the plaintiff has chosen. A defendant may object to the jurisdiction of the court to hear the originating process on the ground that the forum is clearly inappropriate to deal with the litigation or that the court has no jurisdiction to hear and determine the matter. The procedure governing an objection to jurisdiction is set out in court rules: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 12 r 8. Every application to dispute the court’s jurisdiction must be made under O12 r 8: Wo Fung Paper Making Factory Ltd v Sappi Kraft [1988] HKC 10, HKLR 346 (CA); The Tian Sheng No 8 [2000] 3 HKC 285 (CFA). See also Conditional appearance; Forum non conveniens.
凡被告人對原告人所選擇法院的司法管轄權作出反對者。被告人可以 訴訟地名顯不適合處理該訴訟,或法院對事宜的聆訊及裁定沒有司法管轄權等理由,反對法院就原訴法律程序文件作出聆訊的司法管轄權。管限提出反對的程序在法院規則有作列述:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第12號命令第8條規則。所有對法院的司法管轄權作出爭議的申請必須根據第12號命令第8條規則提交:Wo Fung Paper Making Factory Ltd v Sappi Kraft [1988] HKC 10, HKLR 346 (上訴法庭); The Tian Sheng No 8 [2000] 3 HKC 285 (終審法院)。另見 Conditional appearance; Forum non conveniens。




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