

单词 Inquest
释义 死因研訊
In coronial law, an inquisitorial process and, unlike a trial there are no parties to the proceedings: Re an Application by Fong Chi Ming for judicial review [1988] 1 HKLR 396 (HC). An inquest into the death of a person is held by a coroner, with or without a jury: Coroners Ordinance (Cap 504) s 2. The purpose of an inquest into the death of a person shall be to inquire into the cause of and the circumstances connected with the death and, for that purpose, the proceedings and evidence at the inquest shall be directed to ascertaining matters such as the identity of the person; how, when and where the person came by his death: s 27. See also Coroner; Coroner’s court; Fire; Mandatory inquest.
指死因裁判法中的一種查訊程序,而且不會有法律程序各方出現(有別於審訊):Re an Application by Fong Chi Ming for judicial review [1988] 1 HKLR 396(高等法院)。由死因裁判官就某人的死亡進行研訊(不論是否有陪審團參與):《死因裁判官條例》(第504章)第2條。就某人的死亡進行的研訊,目的須為研究該宗死亡個案的原因及與該宗死亡個案有關的情況,而為此目的,研訊的程序及在研訊中提出的證據須專注於確定某些事項(例如死者的身分;死者是如何、何時和在何處死亡):第27條。另見 Coroner; Coroner’s court; Fire; Mandatory inquest.n.




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