

单词 Indenture
释义 雙聯契約
A deed made by two or more parties that evidences some form of agreement between them, as distinct from deed poll made by one party only. See also Deed; Deed poll.
Deeds and other instruments - The former practice of ‘indenting’ which involved cutting a wavy or indented line along the paper or parchment upon which the deed was written. The practice guarded against forgery or fraudulent substitution, as each party’s part of the deed (‘counterpart’) would be cut similarly, and thus tallied with the other part or parts at the point of indenting. This practice has long been obsolete in Hong Kong, and a deed purporting to be an indenture has the effect as an indenture, although not actually indented: Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) s 27. Some deeds, however, are still known as indenture; for example, Indenture of apprenticeship, and Indenture of lease. See also Deed; Deed inter partes; Deed poll.
由至少兩人所訂立並可證明各方之間若干形式的協議的契據,有別於僅由一方所訂立的平邊契據。另見 Deed; Deed poll。
契據及其他文書 - 以往「將兩份契約書作齒狀分割」的做法,即沿載有書面契據的紙張或羊皮紙,剪出呈波狀或鋸齒狀的線。為防止有偽造或欺詐性代入的情況出現,會以類似的方式裁切每方在契據中所佔的部分(即「副本」),因而其部分呈齒狀的地方可與其他各方的部分併合。此等做法在香港已屬過時,即使各方訂立的契據其實並非雙聯契,本意用作雙聯契的契據亦具有雙聯契的效力:《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章)第27條。但某些契據仍稱為「雙聯契」,例如學徒雙聯契及批租雙聯契。另見 Deed; Deed inter partes; Deed poll。n.




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