

单词 Gift of a limited interest
释义 有限權益的饋贈
A gift to charity by a donor of a limited interest in property determinable on the occurrence of a particular event. The undisposed interest remains the donor’s property and forms part of the donor’s estate: Re Blunt’s Trusts, Wigan v Clinch [1904] 2 Ch 767. See also Charitable trust.
由擁有財產有限權益的贈與人給予慈善組織的饋贈,而該饋贈是可在某特定事件發生時而終止的。未處置的權益仍屬於該贈與人的財產,並形成贈與人產業權的一部分:Re Blunt’s Trusts, Wigan v Clinch [1904] 2 Ch 767。另見 Charitable trust。




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