

单词 Accessory before the fact
释义 事實發生前從犯
A person who assists the principal offender before the substantive crime is committed. For example, supplying guns to be used in a robbery. A person could not be guilty of being an accessory before the fact to handling stolen goods which were not stolen at the time that he was alleged to have been an accessory: R v Wong Wai Pong [1996] 1 HKC 313 (CA); Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 9, Criminal Law and Procedure [130.457]. See also Accessory; Accessory after the fact; Aid and abet; Common purpose; Felony; Principal in the first degree; Withdrawal.
於實質罪行發生前向主犯提供協助的人。例如,提供搶劫所需的槍械。某人不得因作為處理贓物(其中贓物並非於該人被指稱為從犯時被盜)事實發生前從犯而被裁斷有罪:R v Wong Wai Pong [1996] 1 HKC 313 (上訴法庭);Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong,第9冊,刑法及法律程序,第[130.457]段。另見 Accessory; Accessory after the fact; Aid and abet; Common purpose; Felony; Principal in the first degree; Withdrawal。




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