

单词 Account of profits
释义 清算利潤
An action in equity for the computation and payment to an applicant of profits made from a wrong done to the applicant: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 11, Equity [165.095]. Unlike other actions for account, the subject matter of the decree is not the state of indebtedness, but the profit made. In English jurisprudence, the action is not based on the notion of unjust enrichment (profiting at the expense of the person to whom property is owed by dishonesty or lack of good faith). See also Account; Account stated; Settled account; Unjust enrichment.
根據衡平法的一種訴訟,計算及付予申請人因對他施加不當行為而得的利潤:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第1冊,衡平法,第[165.095]段。有別於其他的請求清算的訴訟,法庭命令的標的物非為虧欠的款項,而是所得利潤。在英國法律制度中,所根據的不限於不合理的得益(也包括以不誠實行為或不懷好意令財產擁有人受損而得益)。另見 Account; Account stated; Settled account; Unjust enrichment。




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