

单词 Officer
释义 人員/高級人員
A person who holds a position of rank or authority.
Corporations - 1. In relation to a body corporate, includes a director, manager or secretary: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 2. Solicitor acting in the transaction is an officer (Re Patent Bread Machinery Co, ex p Valpy and Chaplin (1872) 7 Ch App 289), but not the company’s bankers (Re General Provident Assurance Co, ex p National Bank (1872) LR 14 Eq 507). 2. In relation to bankruptcy, officers specified are assistant Official Receiver (legal), assistant principal solicitor, senior solicitor, solicitor, assistant director of accounting services, chief insolvency officer, senior insolvency officer, insolvency officer, senior treasury accountant, treasury accountant, accounting officer I, accounting officer II, and assistant Official Receiver (case management): Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 2) sch 2. See also Director.
Employment law - A person who carries out, or whose duty is to carry out the functions of an office in an organisation. In relation to a body corporate, officer includes a director, manager or secretary: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 2(1). An officer may be an employee, depending on the terms of appointment, since an office can coexist with a contract of employment. See also Contract of employment; Office.
Voluntary associations - A person with a right to participate in the administration or management of the affairs of an association, such as a director, secretary, treasurer, public officer, committee member or committee appointed manager. The powers and duties of an officer of an unincorporated association are laid down by the associations’ constitution. Officers of an incorporated association may have duties imposed by legislation. Also known as ‘office bearer’. See also Association; Committee; Constitution; Public officer.
法團 - 1. 就法人團體而言,包括董事、經理或公司秘書:《公司條例》(第32章)第2條。在交易中行事的律師屬主管人員(Re Patent Bread Machinery Co, ex p Valpy and Chaplin (1872) 7 Ch App 289),但公司的銀行則不是(Re General Provident Assurance Co, ex p National Bank (1872) LR 14 Eq 507)。  2. 就破產而言,指明的主管人員包括助理破產管理署署長(法律)、助理首席律師、高級律師、律師、助理庫務署署長、總破產管理主任、高級破產管理主任、破產管理主任、高級庫務會計師、庫務會計師、一級會計主任、二級會計主任及助理破產管理署署長(個案處理):《破產條例》(第6章)附表2。另見 Director。
僱傭法 - 在機構中執行或負責執行某職務的職能的人。就法人團體而言,包括董事、經理或公司秘書:《公司條例》(第32章)第2條。因為主管人員可與僱傭合約並存,故視委任的條款而定,主管人員可以是一名僱員。另見 Contract of employment; Office。
志願團體 - 有權參與會社的行政及管理事務的人,例如董事、秘書、司庫、公職人員、委員會成員或由委員會委任的經理。非法團組織主管人員的權力及責任由該組織的憲章列明。非法團組織主管人員可能負有法例施加的責任。另稱「擔任職位的人」。另見 Association; Committee; Constitution; Public officer。n.




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