

单词 Exchange of letters
释义 換函
In foreign relations, notes or letters given by a party to another allowing two or more states to recognise obligations and understandings as existing between them. Exchange of letters may take place formally through diplomatic channels, the military, or informally. Ratification by the parties is not required by the parties, unless they have expressed an intention to do so. The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969 does not use the term ‘exchange of letters’, but defines a treaty as meaning ‘an international agreement concluded between states in written form and governed by international law, whether embodied in a single instrument and whatever its particular designation’: Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969 art 2(1)(a). See also Ratification; Treaty.
在外交關係中,由一方交與另一方、使得兩個或多個國家承認存在於其間的義務及諒解的照會或文書。可通過正式的外交途徑、軍事途徑或非正式的途徑交換函件。除非各方已明示其意圖,否則無須由各方確認。《1969年維也納條約法公約》並沒有使用「換函」一詞,而將條約界定為「國家間以書面形式締結而藉國際法管限之國際協定(不論是否包含在單一的文書及不論其指定的稱謂):《1969年維也納條約法公約》第2(1)(a)條。另見 Ratification; Treaty。




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